👙Private photos

In Mingle, users can share their private photos and receive Mingle Coins from other users who purchase them. Additionally, you can purchase private photos from other users, enabling them to earn Mingle Coins. Private photos that you have purchased will always be available to you, even if the owner removes them from their gallery.

How to upload a Private photo

  1. Open your photos: Go to your profile and click on the "Photos" button.

  2. Select uploading private photos: If you have already uploaded at least one public photo, you will be able to choose the option to upload private photos.

  3. Set the price: Click on the price button located on the right side in the top corner of the photo.

  4. Set the price for your private photo or delete it if needed.

Now you can share your unique snapshots and receive rewards for them from other Mingle users.

How to purchase a private photo

To purchase private photos of other users on the Mingle platform, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Buy" button: Find the private photo you're interested in and click on the "Buy" button to initiate the purchase process.

  2. Click on the "Send" button: After clicking the "Buy" button, you'll be prompted to send payment to acquire the photo. Click on the "Send" button to complete the purchase process. Congratulations!: You have successfully purchased a private photo from another user.

Last updated